Here is the MyOwn Tel Customer Portal Dashboard and its main elements.

Note: We're constantly adding new features and enhancing the Dashboard. Send us a message via if you encounter any bugs, or have suggestions/feature requests; we'd love to hear from you!

Dashboard Elements

  1. Services
    • This is the default page you'll see when logging in.
    • It shows all of your Active services, and any services in Provisioning (i.e waiting to be connected).
  2. Order Internet Service
    • From here you can order a new internet service.
    • In future we plan to allow service ordering for all types of services.
  3. Billing
    • Payment Method: Here is where you can add, modify or remove your Direct Debit payment method and preferences.
    • Invoices: Your monthly (and any ad-hoc) invoices can be found here.
  4. Account
    • Contacts: From here you can see your account's current contacts, add new contacts, and change contact permissions (e.g view billing only, service ordering, or do everything etc).
    • Settings: From here you can view your Account Details and update your Invoice Preferences, such as changing the email address invoices go to and adding any notes to include on invoices.
  5. Support Portal
  6. Profile Options
    • Here is where you can sign out, or switch accounts if your email address is associated with more than one account.

3.1. Dashboard - marked up.png

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